Ada Corona Dance Challenge di TikTok, Tertarik Mencoba?

Jakarta, - Kampanye untuk mencegah penularan virus COVID-19 terus dilakukan masyarakat di sejumlah negara. Salah satunya Vietnam yang mengampanyekan cuci tangan lewat Corona Dance Challenge pada aplikasi TikTok.

Challenge berupa lagu dan tarian khas TikTok ini sangat cocok untuk memperingatkan masyarakat soal pentingnya cuci tangan di tengah merebaknya virus korona baru. 

Sejak diperkenalkan oleh dancer asal Vietnam, Quang ??ng, challenge mencuci tangan ini terus dipraktikan pengguna para TikTok. Bahkan bukan hanya warga Vietnam saja, melainkan juga masyarakat Amerika Serikat yang antusias dengan challenge ini. Salah satunya adalah pembawa acara John Oliver yang menyebut lagu itu sebagai "klub banger". 

John Oliver membuat challenge di acaranya "Last Week Tonight". Ia memuji pejabat kesehatan Vietnam karena merilis lagu PSA. Lagu ini sebagai bentuk peringatan masyarakat tentang wabah virus korona dan bagaimana cara menghindarinya.

"Vietnam membuat lagu tentang mencuci tangan untuk mencegah infeksi virus korona dan itu benar-benar ampuh. Itu adalah banger klub," ujar John Oliver, seperti dilansir dari Daily Mail, Kamis (6/3).


"Sebenarnya orang sangat menyukai tarian itu sehingga menjadi tantangan tarian TikTok," tambahnya.

Lagu TikTok itu dibuat oleh penulis lirik Khac Hun dan Institut Nasional Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Vietnam yang berjudul "Ghen Cô Vy".

"Kita harus bertanggung jawab untuk mencegahnya meledak/Cuci tangan kita, gosok, gosok, gosok, gosok secara merata/Jangan menyentuh mata, hidung, mulut/Dan batasi kunjungan ke tempat-tempat ramai/Dorong kembalikan virus korona, korona,” arti dari lirik lagu tersebut.

Seorang penari terkenal di Vietnam bernama Quang Dang sukses membuat koreografi tarian yang sesuai liriknya. Bahkan beberapa TikTokers ada yang menciptakan kembali koreografi dan membagikannya lewat media sosial. 

Bagaimana, tertarik mencoba challenge ini?






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#ghencovychallenge #handwashingmove #coronahanddance #VuDieuRuaTay ???? Because more international friends are coming to this post so I will change this to English for everyone: COVID-2019 disease is spreading, affecting people and social activities. Regular handwashing is considered a simple and effective method to protect the community from diseases (according to the World Health Organization). According to research by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 78% of people say they wash their hands often but only 25% actually wash their hands after going to the toilet, 20% wash their hands before cooking. To spread the habit of washing your hands to prevent this disease, I invite you to take part in the #ghencovychallenge challenge with me. Game rules: You perform the dance of the song Ghen Co Vy with 6 hand washing movements as recommended by the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health, based on the music song COVID-19 prevention - Jealousy, cooperation between Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health, musician Khac Hung, singer Min and singer Erik. Take this challenge or share the following epidemic prevention habits: 1. Wash your hands often with soap or an antiseptic solution. 2. Do not put hands on eyes, nose and mouth. 3. Regularly clean personal hygiene, hygiene of utensils, houses and surroundings. 4. Wear a mask to go to public places, on vehicles or when you are sick. 5. Self-awareness to improve health for themselves, the family and the community. 6. People with symptoms of COVID-19 have high fever, cough, shortness of breath, etc. or close contact with infected person / person suspected of COVID-19 and limit contact with other people and contact local health facilities. After completing the challenge, SHARE + TAG immediately 2 friends want to join this challenge. ? ???? for news reporters and press who want to use my video, please feel free to do so. ???? for people want to dance my choreography, please feel free to do so, it's all yours ???? join hands to spread this extremely useful message! ???? #handwashdance #handwashingdance

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