Aktor Nick Cordero Meninggal Dunia karena COVID-19

Jakarta, era.id - Minggu (5/7) kemarin, aktor Nick Cordero meninggal setelah berjuang melawan komplikasi virus corona Covid-19 selama sekira 4 bulan.

Lelaki yang meninggal dunia di usia 41 tahun itu pernah berperan di pentas Broadway, Rock of Ages, Waitress, Bullets Over Broadway, dan A Bronx Tale The Musical.

Kabar perkabungan itu pertama kali dikabarkan istri Cordero, Amanda Kloots lewat Instagram. "Tuhan memiliki seorang malaikat lagi di surga. Suami saya terkasih meninggal dunia pagi tadi. Dia telah dikelilingi oleh cinta dari keluarganya, bernyanyi dan berdoa seiring ia perlahan pergi dari bumi," tulis Kloots.






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God has another angel in heaven now. My darling husband passed away this morning. He was surrounded in love by his family, singing and praying as he gently left this earth. ? I am in disbelief and hurting everywhere. My heart is broken as I cannot imagine our lives without him. Nick was such a bright light. He was everyone’s friend, loved to listen, help and especially talk. He was an incredible actor and musician. He loved his family and loved being a father and husband. Elvis and I will miss him in everything we do, everyday. ? To Nicks extraordinary doctor, Dr. David Ng, you were my positive doctor! There are not many doctors like you. Kind, smart, compassionate, assertive and always eager to listen to my crazy ideas or call yet another doctor for me for a second opinion. You’re a diamond in the rough. ? ? I cannot begin to thank everyone enough for the outpour of love , support and help we’ve received these last 95 days. You have no idea how much you lifted my spirits at 3pm everyday as the world sang Nicks song, Live Your Life. We sang it to him today, holding his hands. As I sang the last line to him, “they’ll give you hell but don’t you light them kill your light not without a fight. Live your life,” I smiled because he definitely put up a fight. I will love you forever and always my sweet man. ??

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Selama dinyatakan positif korona pada Maret lalu, Cordero dirawat di rumah sakit Cedars-Sinai Medical Center di Los Angeles. Di sana, ia diamputasi, diberikan alat pacu jantung, dan mengalami koma.

Di ruang perawatan intensif, dilansir Variety, Cordero terbaring lebih dari 90 hari dan menderita komplikasi yakni infeksi paru-paru dan syok septik atau peradangan seluruh tubuh.

Selama Nick dirawat, banyak orang mengunggah foto dan video menggunakan #WakeUpNick sekadar untuk memberi dukungan penyemangat bagi keluarga.

Tag: korona